What Would the Founding Father's Think (Book Recommendation)
This year in our homeschool, we have been studying the US government, learning about how it is all set up, how and why our founding father’s set it up that way, etc. Well, I found an excellent book that I want to recommend to you. It is called What Would the Founding Father’s Think by David Bowman. I highly recommend this book!
I am learning so much that I did not know before. I snapped a couple of shots of the two pyramids that they use to illustrate how our founding father’s intended for our government to work and what has happened over time.
You can see the big difference between the two. What our founding fathers intended, was for our country to be built on a strong foundation of God and religion. It is only on this strong foundation that all the others parts are built upon.
Here is a quote from John Adams:
“Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”
Please go grab a copy of this book. Read it together as a family. It is so vital that our children understand these important Biblical principles, because what much of what they are being taught in public schools today is the exact opposite.