Instant pot chicken & brown rice, free time ideas, new podcast, and Jesus in the answer!
Intentional Inspirations Newsletter - 2/27/21
How was your week? It seemed like this week went pretty fast for me. The weather has turned a bit warmer and some of my flower bulbs are starting to come up! I’m ready for things to turn green again and my flowers to start blooming. But I am thankful for the winter months too. They bring a time of reflecting and waiting, a time of growing and learning patience and perseverance.
With so much heavy on my heart, it seems that lately I have had to take some breaks to renew myself, to fill my cup back up. I went outside in the sunshine today and it felt so good to have the warm sun beating down on my face! Oh the little things that God uses to bring joy to my heart.
I loved reading Psalm 146 this week (see my podcast link below). The verse in the image above is my prayer — that I will sing praises to Him as long as I live!
Jesus is the answer!
Listening to this hearing in the KS Senate Education Committee this week was heartbreaking. What happens when we don't hold to Godly principles? What happens when there are no standards of right and wrong? What happens is that people see no need for Jesus. They find answers in the condoning of their sinful lifestyle and the shaming of others that simply want to take a stand for God's design for creation.
The lines of good and evil, right and wrong, are continually being blurred, and you will see that if you watch this hearing. As the opponents to this bill spoke and shared their reasons for opposing, my heart kept crying out, "You need Jesus! Your children need Jesus! Jesus is the ONLY answer!"
Oh how God's heart must be breaking to see His creation straying further and further from Him. Lord Jesus, please come and open the blinded eyes so that they can see You, and realize their need for you and you alone!
Biblical encouragement in these troubling times
If you are needing some solid Biblical encouragement, I highly recommend listening to this sermon series my pastor is doing. You can listen to the sermon, watch the service, and download his notes if you wish. Prepare to be blessed and challenged! I know I have been over the past couple months.
Join me on Telegram!
I have made some changes in regards to social media. I am really enjoying Telegram. Facebook continues to censor content and most people don’t even see what I am posting. So, if you want to make sure you don’t miss any of my content, join me on Telegram today!
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Click here to find all the current links where you can find me online.
New Podcast!
I recorded another podcast this week on Psalm 146! Click here to listen. If you don’t want to miss a podcast, be sure to subscribe in any podcast player. Just search for Intentional Home Podcast!
My Favorite Things
I thought I would start a section of the newsletter where I share some of my favorite things. Today I want to share about Nourish Her Naturally from Earthley. This is herbal liquid vitamins that I take daily and I love it! These wonderful vitamins provide my body with the nutrients it needs to help balance my hormones and give me energy. Highly recommended!
Links for you!
Huge list of productive free time ideas - Do your kids ever say “I’m bored” and can’t figure out what to do? Take a look at this list to give them some ideas! Print this list out, cut the ideas apart and put in a jar. When the kids get bored, have them go pick an idea out of the jar!
New videos added to my free course! - The Ask the Experts video and Standing Strong Against the Foes video have both been added to my free Health Freedom, Vaccines, and Current Events course. Join now for free!
Equip Conference 2021 - This conference was held at our church last weekend and it was so good! Go to this link to listen/watch!
HR 5 (Equality Act) - If you are not familiar with this bill at the federal level, you need to get informed! This US House bill passed the House this week and now goes to the US Senate. Go to this link to read about the bill, then contact your US Senators and urge them to vote NO on this bill.
Intentional Quiet Time Journal - Take a look at this fun journal you or your kids can use for your quiet times! Each day includes a place to write the date, the Bible passage read, a focus verse, several things to be thankful for, what was learned, and a prayer. Another fun feature is the ability to make the pages pretty by coloring in the graphics.
Instant Pot Chicken & Brown Rice - My family loves chicken and brown rice, so I was excited to find this instant pot recipe. I gave it a try and loved it!
Books I’m reading!
I am reading the following books aloud to the kids: The Runaway Clown and Student’s Federalist Papers.
I am personally reading the following books: When a Nation Forgets God, Becoming MomStrong, The Church in Babylon.
Just a quick reminder that you can find all my weekly newsletters archived over on Substack here. Feel free to click on over and browse through past newsletters and posts. If your Inbox gets overloaded, you can always just go to my Substack page to find them.
Praying for each of you, that you are finding your rest, your hope, your strength, in Jesus alone!
Take care. Don't fear. Trust God!
CONNECT WITH ME ON SOCIAL MEDIA! Click here to find my short list of places you can find me online!
ARE YOU CONCERNED ABOUT MEDICAL FREEDOM? Our freedoms are being threatened all across this country and across the whole world. Vaccine mandate laws are being pushed through that take away the rights of parents to choose the health care of their children. If you want to research this issue, I encourage you to check out this resource page. I also want to offer you this Vaccine Hesitancy Review document (PDF file) that does a good job of summarizing the issues: Vaccine Hesitancy Review.pdf
CHECK OUT MY FREE EMAIL SERIES! Head on over to my site, scroll down to the "Free Email Series" section to sign up for one of my free email series on the following topics: Trim Healthy Mama Tips & Encouragement; Quiet Time Series (1 Corinthians, 2 Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, James); How to Get a Cleaning Schedule in Place; How to Set Up Your Homeschool Schedule; How to Plan a Month of Menus
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