God has given us our marching orders:
Humble yourself
Seek God's face
Turn from your wicked ways
Right now we all feel so helpless. We went out, we voted, and now this thing is out of our hands. But God has shown us what we can do. Let's all commit to doing these four things today, and every day.
God has a plan and ultimately that plan is that everyone should come to Him in repentance and receive salvation through His amazing grace. The healing of America begins in the hearts of man. It begins with me.
I would love for this post to be a place for all of us to write out a prayer to the Lord. If you feel comfortable doing so, please share a prayer in the comments section.
Heavenly Father,
I come to you humbly, knowing how many times I have failed. Oh how often I have neglected you, and have allowed other things to take up my time. I know that revival begins with me, it begins in my own heart. I hate to see the state of our country right now and I feel so helpless to know what to do about it. Yet, you have told us what you want me to do. You want me to come to you with a humble heart and repent of my sin, to pray, and seek you.
So that is what I am doing. Please forgive me for being distracted by this world and not keeping you first place. Forgive me for neglecting to pray as often as I should. It is so easy to get discouraged and downhearted and forget that you are in control.
Please help me, Lord, keep my eyes on you. When the storm around me gets loud and scary, help me to trust you. I pray for our country, that we would see a revival sweep our nation. A revival that would turn people's hearts back to you. I pray for the healing of our nation - from the inside out. Do a work in people's hearts and draw them to you.
I praise you, Lord, for who you are. You are my all in all. Help me to keep my hope and trust in you and you alone.
Lord our God how majestic is your name in all the earth. We acknowledge you are Lord overall. You are the Lord over America. You are on your throne. forgive your people from the sins of disobedience, malice, hatred, pride, shedding of innocent blood, murder, adultery and so much more. we seek mercy Lord our God. cleanse America and the whole people of America. Lord our God we commit this nation into your hands, take charge and let your will be done. In Jesus' name, we pray Amen.