👨🎓Free Menu Planning Ebook, Natural Dish Soap That Works, Graduation, A Miracle for Nonspeakers, and Free Menu Planning Forms for Summer!
Intentional Inspirations Newsletter - 5/29/23
Well, it has been a couple weeks since I have been able to sit down and get a newsletter off to you! It has been crazy busy and you’ll see why below. But before we get to all the goodies I have to share with you today, I wanted to share something that I posted on Facebook today. God’s Word has never been more real to me, more important, and I am learning so much as I dig into it and read and study. There is so much deception going on right now in our world, that it is SO IMPORTANT that you know what the Bible says. Here is my post from earlier today…
We are living in a day where people are rejecting and distancing themselves from the Bible -- not only outside the church, but unfortunately inside the church as well.
We are living in a day where it is hateful to call sin, sin.
Where pastors are saying it is their mission to distance the church from the Bible.
Where the Bible is looked upon as a book that we cannot understand and that we only need to look to the resurrected Jesus for the "way" to live in this world.
My question is though, if you take the Bible out of the equation where it is no longer the standard that everything is measured by, what kind of a Jesus are people following? Is it one of their own making? I think so and that is SO dangerous!
The Bible, God's living Word, was given to us for our good! I hope my pastor doesn't mind me sharing, but below was written by our pastor in our latest email newsletter and it is what he preached on yesterday at church. It is a much needed message to hear and to put into practice in the world we are living in today. Please read and watch today!
You can listen to/watch this whole sermon on John 17:17-19 here:
In the Bible we find many helpful analogies or symbols which help us understand the nature and the power of Scripture itself.
🔹The Bible is likened to precious metals like silver and gold to describe its incalculable worth (Ps. 12:6; 119:127).
🔹It is like the seed which is planted in the soul and is the source of new life (1 Pet. 1:23).
🔹The Word is like water which washes away our filth and cleanses us from sin (Eph. 5:25-27), and
🔹which eternally sustains us in abundant life (Rev. 21:6, 22:17).
🔹In James 1:22-25 the Word is likened to a mirror which is used for self-examination of the soul.
🔹The Scriptures are like food which nourishes and sustains our inner man (1 Pet. 2:1-3; Mt. 4:4; Heb. 5:12-14).
🔹The Bible is like a garment of truth which adorns our lives as we walk in obedience (Titus2:10).
🔹It is a lamp which shines on our path and guides our steps (Ps 119:105), and
🔹its light shines into our hearts and grants us further understanding (Ps. 119:130).
🔹The Word is a sword which inwardly cuts to the deepest parts of us and performs spiritual surgery (Heb. 4:12), and
🔹outwardly this Sword of the Spirit fights off the attacks of the enemy (Eph. 6:17).
🔹The prophet Amos is shown a plumb line by which the people of Israel would be judged - and that plumb line was the Word of God (Amos 7:8).
🔹In Jeremiah, God likens His Word to a fire which judges and consumes (Jer. 5:14; 20:9) and
🔹a hammer which falls in judgment upon His people (Jer. 23:29).
It is no wonder then that our Lord prays to the Father and asks him to sanctify His disciples with the Word. Jesus has just prayed for their preservation when he departs. And now he prays for their sanctification in verses 17-19. Their preservation is dependent upon their sanctification. To be faithful and useful in a hostile world, these men needed to be continually cleansed and sanctified by the powerful Word of God. And to this end, Jesus prays.
May you seek Jesus faithfully by the reading and studying of the Bible, God's Word to us. That is my prayer for you, my dear readers.
Enjoy the goodies below. Hopefully you will find something that interests you. Oh…there may just be a FREE ebook for you to download if you are interested. Enjoy!
In switching over to more natural cleaners for our home, there have been a few items that were a struggle. We have pretty hard water, so finding things that worked was difficult at times. But I have to share about this Dish Soap from TrulyFree (This link takes you to the home page. Just scroll down until you see the section where it talks about the Dish Soap. Click on it to go to the product page. OR go through the menu to the Kitchen products to find it.)
I do have a dishwasher that I use for the bulk of my dishes, but I had not found a natural dish soap that I could use to wash pots and pans, etc. — until I tried this one! It comes with a squirt bottle shown in the above picture, and then 2 refill packs. All you do is fill the bottle up to the fill line with warm water, add the liquid contents from the refill pack, cap and shake up. The mixture turns into a nice gel type soap that squirts out nicely from the bottle when you use it. It suds up wonderfully and cleans the dishes very well! If you haven’t found a dish soap you like yet, give this on from TrulyFree a try!
Click on the image above if you want to learn more about how federal health authorities could ignore widespread vaccine injury and deaths and the act that triggered a 37-year downward spiral in vaccine safety and regulation.
So this happened last weekend — my middle son graduated from our homeschool. I am so proud of him and all that he has accomplished and overcome. I have two more children in our homeschool and I’m trying to cherish these last few years I have with them. It is hard to believe after 25 years of homeschooling that I only have a few left. It has been such a big part of my life, but I am looking forward to my kids moving on to the next step in their lives.
I shared about this documentary on social media and wanted to make sure to share it here too. This news is just too amazing and miraculous to keep it quiet!
If you have a nonspeaker or know someone who is a nonspeaker, and you have not seen the movie, Spellers, you need to!
Inspired by the book Underestimated, the new full-length documentary SPELLERS challenges conventional wisdom regarding a group relegated to society’s margins: nonspeakers with autism, who most “experts” believe are cognitively disabled.
As the film opening asks, “What if we’ve been wrong…about every single one of them?” SPELLERS answers that question, in convincing fashion, through the stories of eight nonspeakers—Aydan, Evan, Sid, Maddie, Jamie, Vince, Cade, and Elizabeth—who all found their voice through the miraculous process of using a letterboard to communicate their thoughts and feelings. As Jamie explains, “we think, feel, and learn just like everyone else.”
The film blends beautiful cinematography with heart-wrenching stories of these eight spellers and a strong message for every parent of a nonspeaker: your child can do this, too. SPELLERS also demands that teachers, schools, and therapists wake up to the reality that we may have underestimated the abilities of more than 50 million people worldwide.
You will have to go to their website to try to find a screening to watch or pay a low fee to watch it online. Believe me, it is worth it!
FREE Q&A TO WATCH! The Highwire did a free screening of the movie and then did a Q&A afterwards. You can watch that Q&A here. You will be able to see these kids “talk” using varying forms of a letterboard or keyboard. Watch today and then share this with anyone you know that could benefit from it!
If you are needing some pretty menu planning forms to bring some beauty to your kitchen, check out this free download!
SURPRISE! FREE EBOOK FOR YOU! This was my very first ebook that I published back in 2005. Until the end of June, you can download this ebook for free by clicking here! When you click on the link, it will automatically apply the coupon to make it free. Simply go through the checkout process to access it. I put together this ebook to help those that needed something to get them going with menu planning. Included are 4 weeks worth of menus, recipes, and shopping lists. Enjoy as my little treat for you this holiday weekend! (I really need to update the cover. I was a newby to publishing ebooks way back then and you can tell!)
Just a quick reminder that you can find all my weekly newsletters archived over on Substack here. Feel free to click on over and browse through past newsletters and posts. If your Inbox gets overloaded, you can always just go to my Substack page to find them.
Praying for each of you, that you are finding your rest, your hope, your strength, in Jesus alone!
Take care. Don't fear. Trust God!
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