🎧 Free Christian Audiobooks, Amazing Reading Program, Free Bible Songs for Kids, Audio Bible Stories, History Podcast for Kids, Biblical Training for Teens, Free Household Tasks Checklists
Intentional Inspirations Newsletter - 3/8/24
I can hardly believe that it is almost the middle of March already. Easter is in a few weeks. Wow! Time is flying by. While it’s easy to get bogged down with all that is going on in our world, we must remember that God is in control.
My family loves Joshua 1:9 because it is a good reminder to be strong in the Lord. We must be in the Bible daily, reading it, studying it, and then obeying it. If we are not grounded in the truth in God’s Word, we will easily be led astray. We must take everything we watch, listen to, and read, and compare it to God’s Word. We are living in a day that it is so important that we hang onto Jesus and the Truth in His Word. We must be strong and courageous, knowing that God will be with us.
I mentioned last time that I was wanting to make cottage cheese. Well, I haven’t had a chance to try that yet, but hope to this week. I did get some more fermented dill pickles going. The last batch I tried used a different recipe and it wasn’t working right for some reason. So I decided to use the recipe I’ve used before and got two quarts of pickles fermenting. They should be done this afternoon. Can’t wait!
Below are some links to various resources I think you may enjoy. I hope you find something useful for you and your family. Have a great weekend!
Take care. Don't fear. Trust God!
I am excited to bring to your attention again a wonderful “Learn to Read” program — Word Family Readers. When my youngest was learning to read, he really struggled. I tried so many different programs and no matter what I did he wasn’t making any progress. It was SO frustrating — for me and for him!
Then one day I came across Word Family Readers. I downloaded the sample materials they offered so I could give it a try. Bingo! My son loved the little books and the alphabet and word cards. So I got the full printable program so I could have access to everything.
I started out doing the alphabet activities and cards with him first, then moved to the first book. I printed it out, as well as the word cards. I used the word cards to play games with him until I felt he knew the words pretty well. Then we read the book together. It was just what he needed to build his confidence! As we moved on to the next books, we continued to review previous word cards and re-read previous books. I took my time with him and only moved forward when I felt he was ready.
One of the games I played with him, was I took the stack of word cards and stood at one end of the living room/dining room. My son would stand on the other end. I would hold up the first card and ask him to read the word. If he got it right, he took one step forward. If he got it wrong, he took one step back. Then I would go on to the next card. He loved it! As he got closer and closer, sometimes I would keep backing up further into the kitchen and tease him about catching me. He would be so excited when he reached me and “got me”. I played it up big and told him he was getting to be such a good reader. It was fun and built his confidence at the same time.
The printable program is great because you can just print what you need as you go along. It is especially nice to be able to print the books because you can allow your kids to take them and read them over and over. If they get messed up or lost, you simply print another one. Another bonus is the printable program is SO REASONABLY PRICED — only $19.99! I can’t believe they sell it at that price, with over 1500 pages of amazing content — but the creators, Arlene and her daughter, love teaching children to read and don’t want cost to be an issue. Click here to go check out the printable program!
If the printable program wasn’t amazing enough, they then came out with an app, so I got that too.
My son is both a hands on learner (which the printable program was perfect for) but he also loves playing games on the computer. So I used the Word Family Readers App along with the printable program. He loved doing the learning games and activities for each book, then we would read the printed book together once he had learned the words. I also still used the printed word cards to additional games with him to continue to reinforce.
Click here to learn all about the app and see details on the 12 games and activities for each of the 68 books!
When you sign up for the app you will get access to 5 FREE books with all the games that go with them! If you decide you want to use the full program, simply upgrade to the family plan (which allows up to 5 readers) for only $1.99/month! Again, Arlene and her daughter are providing an amazing resource at such a reasonable price because they truly want to help children learn to read.
You can read more about Word Family Readers on their website! If you have a struggling reader, this amazing curriculum might be just what you need! Go check out Word Family Readers today!
Chautona Havig shared about this in a recent newsletter, I so thought I would share it here. Some Christian authors are putting their books on Youtube as audiobooks — for FREE! Click here to see a list so you can check them out and subscribe to their Youtube channels.
Right now Earthley has their Sinus Saver for 25% off when you use code: SPRING25 at checkout!
I am so excited to let you know about this really neat resource from Freedom Kids! They have created some wonderful Bible videos and songs with the desire to get God’s Word into little hearts. They offer their music for free but you can donate to their ministry if you love what they are doing. Enjoy!
Check out my post where I share about this site where you can listen to short audios of all the major Bible stories!
[I am including this again in this week’s newsletter so no one misses it!]
I am so excited to share about this treasure that I found this past week — The Modern Pioneer Cookbook! I ran across Mary’s Youtube channel first and enjoyed watching some of her food videos. I went to her website to check out the recipes, and then found she had a cookbook out. Wow! She has me excited again about getting back to from scratch cooking and preparing foods so they are nutrient dense (sourdough, soaking, fermenting, culturing, etc.).
I tried her No-Knead Whole Wheat Sandwich Bread and it was so easy to make and my family loved it! This recipe didn’t make very tall loaves though, so next time I am going to try this recipe (which uses more flour) and adjust it a bit using half whole wheat flour, using honey for the sweetener, and see if it makes a little bigger loaves. But I love how easy this bread is to mix up — literally minutes — and there is no kneading involved!
I also mixed up a batch of this Turmeric Golden Milk Spice Mix. You can use regular milk or cashew or almond milk and it makes a yummy, creamy hot drink that is great when you are battling sickness. Next I want to try my hand at making cottage cheese!
Besides the amazing cookbook (which I bought and received this week), her great Youtube videos, and her website, Mary has created a free homeschool curriculum to go along with her cookbook!
If you want to teach your children how to make traditional food recipes and kitchen techniques, download this curriculum for free here! You will also need a copy of the cookbook to use with the curriculum.
I was actually on Angela O’Dell’s website looking for her history podcast information (see that below) and found this new curriculum that she recently published! It looks amazing. There is a teen workbook and a parent guide in both print and digital options. I bookmarked this to go back and look into it further, but wanted to share!
Check out this amazing history podcast for kids! You can listen to this weekly podcast on the web or search for it in your podcast player. Here is a list of the podcasts in chronological order if you want to incorporate these in your history studies!
Crystal from MoneySavingMom.com is giving away these free checklists! Go sign up to get yours today!
Just a quick reminder that you can find all my weekly newsletters archived over on Substack here. Feel free to click on over and browse through past newsletters and posts. If your Inbox gets overloaded, you can always just go to my Substack page to find them.
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