Brainwashed America: a DocuMovie (FREE viewing!)
As a Christian, my life is built on the strong and true foundation of God's word. However, tactics have been used over many years to brainwash America, to lead us astray and deceive us. The current sermon series my pastor has been preaching has made me see more and more how much our views and beliefs have been shaped by culture, by propaganda, instead of by the Bible and Jesus Christ.
This DocuMovie (this is only Part 1 of more to come) shows how this brainwashing is taking place (and yes, pastors are being used in this agenda), why we need to wake up, and get our life grounded in the truth of God's Word, so we are not led astray.
Click here to watch Part 1 of Brainwashed America!
I created this page on my site to have all the parts of this DocuMovie together in one place so I can easily share it. Please take time to watch this soon!