🪻 3-Day Flash Sale, Using Time Blocks To Plan Your Day, More Metabolism Info, Homemade Mayo, More Read-Aloud Books, and a new Bible Study!
Intentional Inspirations Newsletter - 5/17/24
The sunsets lately have been so beautiful! I wonder sometimes if God is trying to get our attention — drawing us to “look to the skies”. We are commanded to be watching and praying for His return. He makes it so easy with such beautiful skies to watch!
I hope you have had a good week. I can’t believe it is the middle of May already! We have a couple weeks of homeschool work left to do and then we will be done for the summer. My youngest son is mowing yards again this summer and business is picking up!
This newsletter is filled with lots of fun stuff. In the evenings I’ve been researching for next homeschool year, as you will see below! Books, books, books — can’t have enough! Also note the Flash Sale going on through Sunday night. Great deal on an ebook where I share tips and encouragement from our homeschool journey. I also share some more information on insulin resistance — a video, a book, and a podcast. Enjoy!
Well, I better wrap this up for this week. I pray each of you have a blessed week and are taking time to slow down, spend time in the Bible, spend time with your families, and enjoy all that God has blessed us with.
Hope each of you have a great week!
Take care. Don't fear. Trust God!
Grab my “All About Homeschool” ebook this weekend for ONLY $5!
Here is a sampling of some of the topics I cover in this ebook:
How to balance homeschooling and homemaking
How to schedule your homeschool
What resources to use to plan your homeschool
How to start a read-aloud time
Help with homeschooling preschool
and so much more!
This Flash Sale only goes through Sunday night, so go grab it now!
This post isn’t just for homeschoolers! In this post I share about how you can use time blocks in your day to get things done! Read the post or listen to the podcast. Enjoy!
Here is another great video from Ben Bickman on the role of metabolism. Prepare to have your eyes opened to what insulin resistance is and how it affects our bodies! I’ve been learning so much recently.
This is a book I started this week. The video above is kind of an overview of what this book is all about. Can’t recommend it enough!
Podcast to listen to! Here is a great podcast to listen to! Trim Healthy mama coach, Debbie Martin, shares her journey of learning how insulin resistance was playing a role in her inability to lose weight.
I made some homemade mayonnaise a while back, but the recipe said it had to be used within a week and I ended up throwing most of it out. That is why I was really excited to see this recipe that includes a special ingredient that makes the mayonnaise last a LOT longer in the refrigerator. Any ideas what it is? It’s whey! I have some milk kefir I need to strain today to make some kefir cheese (like sour cream), so I plan on using that whey to make some of this fermented mayonnaise, and also using some to make some fermented dill pickles! Yum!!!
I started doing some research for our homeschool next year and came across this series of books. I think they would make great read-aloud books to read with my kids. They are geared for grades 4-8, if you have kids that would want to read them on their own. But I think any age would enjoy these as a read-aloud.
Check out this blog post where I share a link to a site where you can download all five volumes of the Old Homestead Tales books for FREE! These are wonderful nature books you can read aloud to your kids!
Check out this brand new study from The Daily Grace!
Grace in Chaos: Biblical Hope for the Hard Days of Motherhood is a 5-week study that will:
Remind you of the nearness of Jesus, even on the hard days.
Strengthen you with a biblical, gospel-centered vision of motherhood.
Equip you with God’s Word for the days you experience difficult emotions, such as anxiety, loneliness, and discontentment.
Encourage you with the truth that God sees you and sustains you in every season of motherhood.
This study is currently on sale too! Go check it out!
If you can’t tell, whenever I start doing homeschool planning, my mind always goes to our read-aloud time! This post has a wonderful list of living books for science, all divided up into categories. Go check it out! If you are studying a certain topic in science next year, add a few living books to your schedule!
Do you want to learn how you can earn an income from home? I will be sharing from my 25+ years of experience in my Work from Home private Band group. Head on over and join our group to learn more! Also check out my Work From Home page for all I offer!
Just a quick reminder that you can find all my weekly newsletters archived over on Substack here. Feel free to click on over and browse through past newsletters and posts. If your Inbox gets overloaded, you can always just go to my Substack page to find them.
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