✟ Learning to lean on Jesus + tons of fun links!
Intentional Inspirations Newsletter - 3/26/22
Good morning!
I have a lot of neat things to share with you today, so be sure to scroll through everything below! We had a good week off of homeschool a couple weeks ago and are now back in the saddle until the end of our homeschool year. I don’t know about you, but I still struggle with feelings of failure when I see gaps in my kids’ education. I see something that they don’t know that I feel they should know, and I get down. Anyone else? But I continue to learn to step back and see if there is something I can do to fill in that gap or if it is a gap that is that important to fill in the first place.
This Christian life is really all about taking everything to Jesus and seeking His guidance for our individual circumstances. Oh how I want a to do list! Just tell me what to do and I’ll do it! But then I wouldn’t need daily — hourly! — dependence on Him. So I am learning to go to the Lord with these things and allowing Him to guide me. It’s not easy though!
My mom had knee replacement surgery a couple weeks ago, so I have been doing what I can to help my parents — cooking some meals, sitting with my mom while my dad runs errands, etc. She is doing really well and making good progress towards recovery. I am so thankful that they are close so I can be there to help them.
Well, I better wrap this up and get it posted. I’m praying that each of you have a blessed weekend, that you are learning and growing in the Lord, that you are finding hope in Jesus Christ!
In Christ,
I have never really studied Revelation and recently have been drawn to dig into the Bible and learn more. I thought I would share some resources that I am using to study, with the Bible being my main text of course!
Revelation Sermon Series:
Book: The Footsteps of the Messiah (This is an old version of this book. A newer one is published and is about double in size. But I found this online so am going to read through some of it as I study.)
Natural Electrolyte Drink
1/3 cup lemon juice
1/3 cup honey or real maple syrup
1/8 teaspoon Himalayan Sea Salt
1/8 teaspoon baking soda
1/8 teaspoon cream of tartar
Water to fill a 2-quart pitcher
In a 2-quart pitcher, mix the lemon juice and honey. Add the rest of the ingredients and mix well. Enjoy!
A friend shared this recipe with me when I was sick a couple months ago. I had a stomach bug that left me a bit dehydrated. I made up a pitcher of this and started drinking it daily. It really helped get my stomach and intestines calmed down! My son loves to drink some every day too. He said he feels better when he drinks it.
I am excited to announce that I have opened up my FREE Community over on my shop site. My desire is to provide a safe place to share, encourage each other, learn, and grow. One fun thing I am doing is starting a Bible study through Revelation. Once you join the free Community, there are topics you can follow (get emails when there are new posts). One of those topics is Bible Study with Sheri. I will be posting lessons in the order that I work through them, sharing what I am watching and reading. Then we can chat in the comments about what we are learning. Besides the Bible Study topic, there are topics where you can share about homeschooling, homemaking, favorite recipes, healthy living, and more! Click on over and join us now!
You can watch the movie, Vaxxed: From Cover-Up to Catastrophe, for free! Just click here to watch. I can’t recommend it enough. I know that vaccines tend to be a controversial subject — but I pray that we all just want to know the truth. Watch now and if you want to know more, let me know OR join this free course where I have organized a lot of information for you.
Are you planning on attending any online homeschool conferences soon? Grab this workbook FREE through the end of March. Click the link below to get the deal, or use coupon code: HOMESCHOOL at checkout.
Earthley is having a Spring Allergy Sale on the above products! Save 20% on Sinus Saver, Lymphatic Cream, Breathe-Well Salve, and Immune-Aid Vitamin C Powder. Use code: SPRING22 to save! Sale ends 3/28.
Grab this free guide: A Guide to Seasonal Allergies! This digital guide will walk you through the true cause of seasonal allergies and how natural remedies can help improve your symptoms – and maybe more!
If you like Charlotte Mason you may enjoy this free online summit this weekend, March 27-29. You can sign up and watch live for free, or pay the small fee to get unlimited access to watch at your leisure.
Sign up here: https://subscribe.homeschoolboost.com/2022_cm_summit
Watch the Torchlighter videos series for FREE! My kids love this series and I am so excited that you can watch it on Youtube for free. Enjoy!
Mark your calendars and be sure to sign up for this FREE online homeschool summit! It takes place April 4-8, 2022. You will be able to watch for free, then purchase recordings if you wish. I love these homeschool conferences online, because you can get encouraged and challenged to continue on, when sometimes you just don’t feel like it. It helps remind you of your “why” and points you to Jesus for the strength and guidance you need to continue on this homeschooling journey. Go here to sign up today!