It seems like each week that passes me by, draws me closer and closer to Jesus and an increased desire to be in His will. So many things in this world are falling away — so many things that we tend to put our hope in — and what we have left is something that will never pass away — our hope in Jesus. It is a shame that it takes crisis to get our attention, to realize that in Jesus is our only hope. He is truly the only answer for the world today. It is only as individual hearts are changed through the saving grace of Jesus, that our world and our country will turn around.
That doesn’t mean that we don’t fight for our God-given freedoms. But it means that the ultimate solution to our nation’s problems is Jesus. But in order to know this Jesus, we have to be in His Word, the Bible. God gave us the Bible to be our instruction book for life. Are we using it? Are we going to God’s Word for our daily bread? Do we know Jesus in such a personal way that we know His voice and we obey?
The voices of culture are deafening and if we are not careful, we will listen and obey the voice of culture instead of the voice of God. We will bow to the ideologies of what culture says is right and true and fail to discern what is truly true according to God’s Word. We are living in times when Biblical Christianity is being attacked. No, we are not being hauled off to jail (yet), but we are definitely seeing Christians, who are standing for truth and righteousness, being labeled as “hateful and dangerous”. Are you prepared? Have you hid God’s Word in your heart so that you won’t sin against God? Have you hid God’s words of encouragement and instruction in your heart so that no matter what this world may throw at you, you will be ready?
I don’t know what the days ahead may hold. As some think, there may be some big things happening behind the scenes we don’t know about, and God may extend grace and allow our country to change course and get back to our Godly foundation. I pray it is so! But if not, I feel an urgency that we need to be prepared. What will you do today to start preparing yourself and your family?
I will share below a few things that you can do to prepare for the days ahead.
Read and memorize the Bible
We cannot hear God’s voice if we are not reading His Word! Get into God’s Word daily. Use this free Bible reading printable to begin reading through the whole Bible.
Be a part of a Bible-preaching church community
It is so important right now that you find a church with leadership that understands the times we are living in. Many churches today have been so caught up in the culture that they are totally blind to the spiritual battle taking place. They care more about worship style and what the world “wants” in a church, than about what God wants. Find a church where the leadership is seeking hard after God, not the latest church growth methodology or fad. If you don’t know what that looks like, I would encourage you to listen to some of our pastor’s sermons as an example. You will hear a pastor who preaches the Word to the flock the Lord has given him to shepherd — he preaches what the Lord directs him to preach, with humility, discernment and conviction.
Strengthen family relationships
Make your family a priority. Parents make your kids a priority. Serve one another, teach and train your children to know God, to know God’s Word, to love Him and obey Him. Spend time together talking about what is going in the world and how to respond to it.
Share the hope that is in you!
Our world today is hungry, now more than ever, for hope. Use this time to share the hope they can have in Jesus. Share with others what Jesus means to you and what He has done in your life. Let them know how much Jesus loves them and that His gift of salvation is waiting for them.
There are many others things that you may feel you need to do to prepare for hard times ahead, but these are a few that I felt were some of the most important.
Worship has been on my mind a lot this week. I think because it is tempting to get our focus off of Jesus and onto the “storm” going on around us.
When I choose to worship the Lord, the One who created me, who knows me, who loves me and calls me by name, I no longer am concerned about anything else, but only Him — only Jesus.
Sorry this has been long, but I wanted to spill out what God put on my heart. I pray it encourages and challenges you for the days ahead. I am so very thankful that I serve a God who is alive and well, who is in control, and who wins in the end!
Social media update
I announced last week some changes I was making in regards to social media. Click here to find all the current links where you can find me online. This week there was an announcement that Google and Apple were being pressured to remove the Telegram app from their stores. So who knows what will come of that, but for now I am enjoying Telegram as a way to share news. Click the link above for information on the different channels I started on Telegram!
Podcast update
It has been about a year and a half since I have recorded a new podcast episode. The Lord has been pushing me to get back at it. I have decided to do a series where I will read a Psalm and then share some of my thoughts on it. I guess I have been finding so much encouragement in reading the Psalms and thought that this is just what people need right now — encouragement and hope! You can listen to my newest podcast episode here on Psalm 62! Be sure to subscribe in any podcast player - just search for Intentional Home Podcast!
Quick update on my dad
Again, thanks to everyone that sent me an email letting me know you were praying for my dad. It means so much to me! He went in this past Monday to have the last stint put in, but they ran into a problem. I guess the artery they needed to go through was too curvy for them to get the wire through, so they only did a balloon. The doctor wants to do the stint in the hospital now where they have better tools and also to be there in case there are any complications. He goes in on Tuesday morning for this procedure and will have to stay over one night for observation. To be honest, I am a bit more nervous about this because I know it is higher risk, but I know it is all in God’s hands. Please pray for my Dad on Tuesday! Thank you so much!
Links for you!
Fudgy No-Bake Cookies (no guilt!) - This recipe is one of the most popular ones on my site and for good reason. They are SO good and good for you too!
Gut Health Support Pack (free!) - I have learned so much over the past several years about the importance of gut health. Download this freebie from Earthley that gives you some of the tools you need to start addressing this important health issue! Also, in case you missed it last week, be sure to download the Nourished Living Cookbook for free, which includes 20+ recipes that taste delicious, using only *real food* ingredients that will delight your family and promote a healthy lifestyle.
Need a good night’s sleep? - With everything going on in our world right now, getting a good night’s sleep has been a challenge. So I have turned to my Good Night Lotion from Earthley. It is amazing what a difference a teaspoon-sized amount rubbed onto my tummy before bed can make! If you are struggling with sleep issues, give it a try!
Digital Learning Time Treasury (FREE!) - Sign up for free access to this fun library of learning resources! Find videos to learn US history, science, painting and drawing, piano and guitar, and more!
Praying for each of you, that you are finding your rest, your hope, your strength, in Jesus alone!
Take care. Don't fear. Trust God!
P.S. Books I am reading: One Degree of Freedom, Grandpa’s Stolen Treasure (aloud to the kids), When a Nation Forgets God.
CONNECT WITH ME ON SOCIAL MEDIA! Click here to find my short list of places you can find me online!
ARE YOU CONCERNED ABOUT MEDICAL FREEDOM? Our freedoms are being threatened all across this country and across the whole world. Vaccine mandate laws are being pushed through that take away the rights of parents to choose the health care of their children. If you want to research this issue, I encourage you to check out this resource page. I also want to offer you this Vaccine Hesitancy Review document (PDF file) that does a good job of summarizing the issues: Vaccine Hesitancy Review.pdf
CHECK OUT MY FREE EMAIL SERIES! Head on over to my site, scroll down to the "Free Email Series" section to sign up for one of my free email series on the following topics: Trim Healthy Mama Tips & Encouragement; Quiet Time Series (1 Corinthians, 2 Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, James); How to Get a Cleaning Schedule in Place; How to Set Up Your Homeschool Schedule; How to Plan a Month of Menus
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